See i'm posting! Haha, took me a couple of tries before i got the password to log in right this time though lol. So, today was the first day of the new sem. Wasn't too bad apart from the three hour endo lecture. Which, wait, was pretty much all we had on today haha. Sorry, just me being lame. Anyhow, still not too busy at the moment since it's block teaching week and all, and i just felt like posting something up.
I don't know whether it's the same in the other australian dental schools, but we have really REALLY long lectures during block teaching week here in Queensland. I have another three hour lecture tomorrow morning, and i remember having a three hour pros lecture during block teaching week for the first sem. Considering that our lectures during the rest of the sem normally last an hour, three hours is INSANE!! Hell, one hour is bad enough for me, (i start staring at the clock after 15-30 mins depending on how boring the lecture is)- three hours is pure torture. I have no concentration or focus :( Strangely, i don't fall asleep in least not as much compared to when i was in IMU! Really. I hardly ever sleep in class now. Who would have thunk it? Maybe i feel too paiseh or something haha.
On a different note, some of y'all may know that i'm a pretty hardcore follower of masterchef, and i've been gunning for the only malaysian in this year's competition, Billy to win. And he got kicked out tonight!! Nani???!! Haha, but seriously, there's been a malaysian in the top two in previous seasons, so tonight marks the end of the malaysian streak :( As much as i support him as a fellow malaysian, he also seemed like a genuinely nice guy, and a good cook who was really fun to watch so it is pretty sad to watch him leave :(
Now for a super abrupt ending- gotta go sleep now, niteys! Hahahaha :P
In my words
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Grateful :)
Hi all! Majorly surprised i managed to get my password right, on the first go too! That said, i know i've had a reaallly long hiatus from blogging, (if you could even call it that), but i had perfectly justifiable reasons! Mostly due to time constraints- the timetable here is crazy! But hey, i guess if you want to do something bad enough, you'll find the time to do it, and sadly, that obviously wasn't the case for me. But i'm back again!! Hahaha, well, it is the hols, and i am super free i must say, so what the hell! And i will try to keep up with it this time, for real. My timetable for next sem is just as crazy though, if not worse- just sayin' ;)Did i mention i have a weekly 7.30 am lecture too? I'm still reeling from it haha.
Oh, and i've also changed the background! As much as i like blue, the overdose of blue-ness was verging on depressing for me *surprise suprise*. But really, this post was just to express my overall gratitude and thanks. I went through a series of REALLY difficult exams a couple of weeks ago, and recently received some of my results. More importantly, i had passed the exam i was most worried about. I was beyond surprised. Downright flabbergasted. I had convinced myself i WAS going to fail, probably as a defense mechanism so i wouldn't get too cut up about it if i DID fail. So believe me when i say i really am very very grateful for it.
I still have 3 more results to come out, so i'm not completely out of the woods yet, but fingers crossed, everything will be alright :) Not just for me, but for everyone else who had exams recently as well. I was feeling terribly jaded, old and just worn-out during the past couple of months, if not longer, but i have to admit, this has lifted my spirits just a tad bit. Not that i feel brand-new, in fact, i think it's hard for me to NOT feel jaded, this has come as a bit of a wake-up call to me that i have HEAPS of things to be grateful and thankful for. It's easy to forget it all during times of unbearable stress and tension, but i guess it's something i've gotta learn to keep in mind.
Oh, and i've also changed the background! As much as i like blue, the overdose of blue-ness was verging on depressing for me *surprise suprise*. But really, this post was just to express my overall gratitude and thanks. I went through a series of REALLY difficult exams a couple of weeks ago, and recently received some of my results. More importantly, i had passed the exam i was most worried about. I was beyond surprised. Downright flabbergasted. I had convinced myself i WAS going to fail, probably as a defense mechanism so i wouldn't get too cut up about it if i DID fail. So believe me when i say i really am very very grateful for it.
I still have 3 more results to come out, so i'm not completely out of the woods yet, but fingers crossed, everything will be alright :) Not just for me, but for everyone else who had exams recently as well. I was feeling terribly jaded, old and just worn-out during the past couple of months, if not longer, but i have to admit, this has lifted my spirits just a tad bit. Not that i feel brand-new, in fact, i think it's hard for me to NOT feel jaded, this has come as a bit of a wake-up call to me that i have HEAPS of things to be grateful and thankful for. It's easy to forget it all during times of unbearable stress and tension, but i guess it's something i've gotta learn to keep in mind.
Friday, December 17, 2010
i'm in vienna! Haha, doing this on my phone through wifi :) it's around -5 now, cold! It's really pretty esp with all the snow though.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I've extracted my lower third molars!! :D Haha, and I did it in one session, which in retrospect, I admit, is a lil crazy. Um....and I'm happy because it's over? HAHA. I'm not healing as fast as I'd like to though- my face is still very swollen and sore, I can hardly open my mouth, and I can't chew. Still, there's no real pain which I'm thankful for. In fact, I remember the extractions of my upper first premolars ( for braces) as being more painful, but they healed a LOT faster. I do miss 'normal' food though, and am really craving a burger at the moment :S and right now, it feels like I'll never be able to eat normal food again HAHA.
But seriously, it's hard surviving on a liquid-ish diet (porridge, soups, ice creams, jellies), not just because of its taste/ texture/ palatableness, but on a purely nutritional standpoint. Haha, I threw up three times the day after my extraction because of gastritis. Finally figured out eating cream crackers (they sorta dissolve in your mouth) throughout the day, in between the other stuff, REALLY helps :) Doubt I'm still getting adequate nutrition, which makes me feel lethargic, but I really don't know what else I can eat HAHA.
Haha, re-reading this, it actually sounds so bad, but really, it's not THAT bad. It could be worse. I just really hate having a swollen face haha. It makes me feel so....big. And I have this irrational fear the swelling will never go down. But I *think* that's just me being neurotic. On the bright side, I'm glad I extracted both the lower thirds together. Haha, after going through one extraction, I would probably have been really reluctant to go through another extraction on a separate day. It wasn't really painful, but the procedure just took so long, and it was uncomfortable. I had oral sedation though, which I had to get from a hospital. It was basically diazepam, and er, I found out diazepam doesn't really have much of an effect on me haha. I can't really remember what we learnt from dr. Aichike's lecture, but according to the dentist, it was supposed to me make sorta drowsy and less conscious of the whole procedure. And er, I could still feel the dentist cutting up my tooth, and picking out the pieces. Especially the last bit of tooth-I sorta felt the root being pulled away from the alveolar bone, but it didn't hurt!! Gooooo LA! :DDD
Oh, my occlusion has also temporarily changed for now too. From what I've been reading online, it's normal. Haha, I also have a pretty big bruise on me left jaw- it looks like I got socked by someone LOL! Would totally post up a pick of myself, but this post was done entirely on an iPad, and it's just too bothersome to transfer a pic into the iPad to post it. And yes, this isn't the most coherent post I've written, and if I'm contradictory and whiny, just blame it on the meds :) I'm on quite a bit. Wish me luck for a speedier recovery! <3
But seriously, it's hard surviving on a liquid-ish diet (porridge, soups, ice creams, jellies), not just because of its taste/ texture/ palatableness, but on a purely nutritional standpoint. Haha, I threw up three times the day after my extraction because of gastritis. Finally figured out eating cream crackers (they sorta dissolve in your mouth) throughout the day, in between the other stuff, REALLY helps :) Doubt I'm still getting adequate nutrition, which makes me feel lethargic, but I really don't know what else I can eat HAHA.
Haha, re-reading this, it actually sounds so bad, but really, it's not THAT bad. It could be worse. I just really hate having a swollen face haha. It makes me feel so....big. And I have this irrational fear the swelling will never go down. But I *think* that's just me being neurotic. On the bright side, I'm glad I extracted both the lower thirds together. Haha, after going through one extraction, I would probably have been really reluctant to go through another extraction on a separate day. It wasn't really painful, but the procedure just took so long, and it was uncomfortable. I had oral sedation though, which I had to get from a hospital. It was basically diazepam, and er, I found out diazepam doesn't really have much of an effect on me haha. I can't really remember what we learnt from dr. Aichike's lecture, but according to the dentist, it was supposed to me make sorta drowsy and less conscious of the whole procedure. And er, I could still feel the dentist cutting up my tooth, and picking out the pieces. Especially the last bit of tooth-I sorta felt the root being pulled away from the alveolar bone, but it didn't hurt!! Gooooo LA! :DDD
Oh, my occlusion has also temporarily changed for now too. From what I've been reading online, it's normal. Haha, I also have a pretty big bruise on me left jaw- it looks like I got socked by someone LOL! Would totally post up a pick of myself, but this post was done entirely on an iPad, and it's just too bothersome to transfer a pic into the iPad to post it. And yes, this isn't the most coherent post I've written, and if I'm contradictory and whiny, just blame it on the meds :) I'm on quite a bit. Wish me luck for a speedier recovery! <3
Monday, November 1, 2010
Just felt like updating :))) Haha, today feels like a happy day, but with a tinge of underlying sadness- does that make sense? I was just calculating how long i have left in malaysia, and i realised i won't be in malaysia for more than 2 weeks at a time, from now on. It's more like 3 separate one week stretches :O And during that time, i'll be working for 3 days (i know 3 days isn't a long time, but i'm beginning to feel like every day counts!), getting my lower wisdom teeth extracted (and apparently i shouldn't really fly for a week after the extraction- i never knew....or rather it sorta sounds familiar, but i guess i forgot? At any rate, it presents a huge logistics problem for me.) AND recuperating from it during that time as well. Apart from that, i'll have to finish sorting out all my stuff, buy/get all the things i need/want to bring over and pack it all in without exceeding the weight limit FML haha. Yeah, i know i haven't used FML for awhile, but i haven't really felt the need to use it these past few months. Until now.
Btw, i feel my good mood evaporating which is baddd. Good mood come back!! Haha, apparently just thinking about the stuff i have to do is enough to send me to the slumps. Oh, i forgot about woollenwonders too. But to be honest, after handling woollenwonders during term time, and sometimes during exam periods and all, i've kinda got my role at woollenwonders down pat. So i wouldn't say it's a stressor- more like it's just something that exists on the side, but i guess i have enough stressors to well, stress me out at the moment haha. To add to that, i am now constantly suffering from pain in the oral region. Haha, c'mon, say it with me- FML!!
Haha, the short time i have left in malaysia also means i have a shorter time left to see all my friends. I'm trying not to think about it too much, but truth be told, it's a little....depressing. It kinda sucks too that i'll hardly be around for the whole of december (my birthday included), but oh wells. It just feels like time is going by faster than i would like it to HAHA. It not an unfamiliar feeling for me, and it's probably totally my fault, i mean what the hell have i been doing all these months??!! And now they're gone, gone, GONE! But time and time again, i make the same mistakes :(
Haha, i don't wanna sound so whiny and complain-y, and i REALLY want to end this post on a happier note, but er, i can't really think of anything HAHA. Um um, oh, uniqlo is opening! Haha, okaylah, i wouldn't say it's super happy news, but at least it's happier, haha! =p
Btw, i feel my good mood evaporating which is baddd. Good mood come back!! Haha, apparently just thinking about the stuff i have to do is enough to send me to the slumps. Oh, i forgot about woollenwonders too. But to be honest, after handling woollenwonders during term time, and sometimes during exam periods and all, i've kinda got my role at woollenwonders down pat. So i wouldn't say it's a stressor- more like it's just something that exists on the side, but i guess i have enough stressors to well, stress me out at the moment haha. To add to that, i am now constantly suffering from pain in the oral region. Haha, c'mon, say it with me- FML!!
Haha, the short time i have left in malaysia also means i have a shorter time left to see all my friends. I'm trying not to think about it too much, but truth be told, it's a little....depressing. It kinda sucks too that i'll hardly be around for the whole of december (my birthday included), but oh wells. It just feels like time is going by faster than i would like it to HAHA. It not an unfamiliar feeling for me, and it's probably totally my fault, i mean what the hell have i been doing all these months??!! And now they're gone, gone, GONE! But time and time again, i make the same mistakes :(
Haha, i don't wanna sound so whiny and complain-y, and i REALLY want to end this post on a happier note, but er, i can't really think of anything HAHA. Um um, oh, uniqlo is opening! Haha, okaylah, i wouldn't say it's super happy news, but at least it's happier, haha! =p
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Il Dolce Far Niente
Is what i am enjoying at the moment. Haha, go google or watch Eat Pray Love to find out what it means. As you can guess, i've just watched it, and it was good. I liked it anyway- go watch it quickly so i can have someone to discuss it with :) I think i liked the 'eat' part of the show best, not necessarily because i consider food to be my greatest joy in life [i think that would have to be talking HAHA (I was attempting sarcasm btw)], but because that particular part was based in Italy. I love Italy. It's definitely in my top 5 favourite places in the world, and i felt the movie portrayed Italy in all its gorgeous-ness haha. It totally made me want to go back again, at the very least.
The other parts were nice too, in their own way; 'pray' was incredibly emotional as can be expected, while it was nice to see the lead character begin to have some sort of understanding of life in 'love'. I think the actors did a great job, (James Franco is hot!), and the sad and funny moments in a really relatable storyline just did it for me.
Anyway, i'm beginning to get far too used to doing nothing HAHA. Yeah i know, i still complain that i'm bored and all, but for the most part, i've settled into a routine. Of basically doing nothing. Haha, i sleep like half my day away, and spend the other half reading or watching TV. Of course i still eat and shower and all, i haven't reached the no-hope point yet lah, but you get the idea. I'm now able to fill my day for the most part, with doing completely useless things. Lol, i really have no idea what is going to happen or how i'm going to cope when i start classes full time again. We'll see. Haha, i haven't even been crocheting and knitting much lately, and i totally blame it on the fact that they're not challenging to me anymore (or that i'm not very focused at the moment!).
BUT, i recently came across this blog, newdressaday, and i was so so inspired! It's amazing how she has managed to transform an item of clothing everyday, for almost year. I remember mentioning to someone one that i would love to be able to sew, (i can lah, but my sewing now is like my knitting before- crap. So i don't consider being able to do it :p) , so NOW feels like the ideal opportunity to pick it up :D AND, while talking to my mom about it, i discovered we actually own a sewing machine :DD Even more reason for me to pick it up now :DDD Wish me luck! (I have no idea what my first project is going to be yet. Suggestions please? =))
Since this is a holiday post, and my posts have been so wordy lately, here's some piccies i'm pretty sure you've already seen! Haha, wth, all in the name of making my blog more colourful :p
The other parts were nice too, in their own way; 'pray' was incredibly emotional as can be expected, while it was nice to see the lead character begin to have some sort of understanding of life in 'love'. I think the actors did a great job, (James Franco is hot!), and the sad and funny moments in a really relatable storyline just did it for me.
Anyway, i'm beginning to get far too used to doing nothing HAHA. Yeah i know, i still complain that i'm bored and all, but for the most part, i've settled into a routine. Of basically doing nothing. Haha, i sleep like half my day away, and spend the other half reading or watching TV. Of course i still eat and shower and all, i haven't reached the no-hope point yet lah, but you get the idea. I'm now able to fill my day for the most part, with doing completely useless things. Lol, i really have no idea what is going to happen or how i'm going to cope when i start classes full time again. We'll see. Haha, i haven't even been crocheting and knitting much lately, and i totally blame it on the fact that they're not challenging to me anymore (or that i'm not very focused at the moment!).
BUT, i recently came across this blog, newdressaday, and i was so so inspired! It's amazing how she has managed to transform an item of clothing everyday, for almost year. I remember mentioning to someone one that i would love to be able to sew, (i can lah, but my sewing now is like my knitting before- crap. So i don't consider being able to do it :p) , so NOW feels like the ideal opportunity to pick it up :D AND, while talking to my mom about it, i discovered we actually own a sewing machine :DD Even more reason for me to pick it up now :DDD Wish me luck! (I have no idea what my first project is going to be yet. Suggestions please? =))
Since this is a holiday post, and my posts have been so wordy lately, here's some piccies i'm pretty sure you've already seen! Haha, wth, all in the name of making my blog more colourful :p
Enriched chocolate <3>
*sings* I'm loving it!
(l-r: Ee Mee, Boon, Wei June and Ka-Mun)
Boon, Me and Wei June.
Reminds me an awful lot of this photo taken in sem 3
Dunno what i had to laugh about so much also.
But also very reminiscent of this photo
Wei June, Me and Pei San.
Ah, our good ol' car photos :)
Back to the present
Korean BBQ *yums*
(l-r: Ee Mee, Boon, Wei June and Ka-Mun)
Reminds me an awful lot of this photo taken in sem 3

But also very reminiscent of this photo

Ah, our good ol' car photos :)
Back to the present
Haha, that's it folks! Will update y'all on my sewing adventures (or misadventures!) soon. Good night!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Blast from the past
Just a short post...i was working on another one, but it had the potential to become very long, so i got bored HAHA. I will go back and finish it eventually, just not tonight. Anyway, i got distracted by an OLD acquaintance who suddenly got in touch with me via skype. And it's just so weird. Haha, i mean i was never close to him, and i have him on my fb, and i *think* msn too, but he's never attempted to contact me until now. And it's strange because back then, we hardly talked to each other and we are now having a conversation like we're old friends. Not that we're not friends or i dislike him, but you get what i mean.
Is that what time does? Blur the lines, and make everyone you ever knew into a friend? Haha, i'm surprised he even managed to find me on skype, cause i sure find it hard to randomly look for my friends on skype. Maybe that's just me. I mean, i get it- i'm someone he hasn't talked to in a long time, so it IS nice to find out what the other person is doing, and to know that they're doing well. Even if you weren't close to the person, you knew them, and in a way, they're part of your past, albeit in the background. I strongly believe that who we are are, or who we become depends on our innate personality, the decisions we've made, and the people surrounding us- family, friends, or even a random stranger that has in one way or another, made an impact on you, thus influencing you.
As a result of never being close to this friend, (or rather, i doubt i ever made much of an impact on him), he is very different from me, and his life has taken a completely different road from mine. So, it is interesting to find out what has happened to him, for the sheer fact that it is all so foreign to me. On the other hand, because we are so different, we have very little similarities (duh!), and after awhile, there's pretty much nothing left to say to each other HAHA. I always feel OLD talking to people from my past, as topics like what mutual friends and their siblings are doing, get brought up, and it accentuates how long ago that part of your life really was. And it doesn't feel like that long ago, so you begin to ponder on how finite time is. Even though i have practically my whole life ahead of me, and my best years yet (face it, being incontinent and constantly throwing up as a baby cannot be considered your best year), it all feels so short.
When i asked previously whether time makes everyone you ever knew into a friend, i would honestly answer....yeah. It's a relationship of sorts, as a result of having a shared past. You may not be a part of their present or future, but the past is always there, and you can't change the past. Conversely, i have fell out of touch with friends who i was rather close to, but i would still consider them friends. Life just works like that. Nothing lasts forever, but i do hope i continue to keep close to me, the people that matter. Who knows what the future holds?
Yep, my short post became a long one, so i guess it's time for me to stop HAHA. But before i go, today coincidentally happens to be the birthday of an awesome friend, so here's to you Pei San; HAPPY BIRTHDAY! !
Is that what time does? Blur the lines, and make everyone you ever knew into a friend? Haha, i'm surprised he even managed to find me on skype, cause i sure find it hard to randomly look for my friends on skype. Maybe that's just me. I mean, i get it- i'm someone he hasn't talked to in a long time, so it IS nice to find out what the other person is doing, and to know that they're doing well. Even if you weren't close to the person, you knew them, and in a way, they're part of your past, albeit in the background. I strongly believe that who we are are, or who we become depends on our innate personality, the decisions we've made, and the people surrounding us- family, friends, or even a random stranger that has in one way or another, made an impact on you, thus influencing you.
As a result of never being close to this friend, (or rather, i doubt i ever made much of an impact on him), he is very different from me, and his life has taken a completely different road from mine. So, it is interesting to find out what has happened to him, for the sheer fact that it is all so foreign to me. On the other hand, because we are so different, we have very little similarities (duh!), and after awhile, there's pretty much nothing left to say to each other HAHA. I always feel OLD talking to people from my past, as topics like what mutual friends and their siblings are doing, get brought up, and it accentuates how long ago that part of your life really was. And it doesn't feel like that long ago, so you begin to ponder on how finite time is. Even though i have practically my whole life ahead of me, and my best years yet (face it, being incontinent and constantly throwing up as a baby cannot be considered your best year), it all feels so short.
When i asked previously whether time makes everyone you ever knew into a friend, i would honestly answer....yeah. It's a relationship of sorts, as a result of having a shared past. You may not be a part of their present or future, but the past is always there, and you can't change the past. Conversely, i have fell out of touch with friends who i was rather close to, but i would still consider them friends. Life just works like that. Nothing lasts forever, but i do hope i continue to keep close to me, the people that matter. Who knows what the future holds?
Yep, my short post became a long one, so i guess it's time for me to stop HAHA. But before i go, today coincidentally happens to be the birthday of an awesome friend, so here's to you Pei San; HAPPY BIRTHDAY! !
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