Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blast from the past

Just a short post...i was working on another one, but it had the potential to become very long, so i got bored HAHA. I will go back and finish it eventually, just not tonight. Anyway, i got distracted by an OLD acquaintance who suddenly got in touch with me via skype. And it's just so weird. Haha, i mean i was never close to him, and i have him on my fb, and i *think* msn too, but he's never attempted to contact me until now. And it's strange because back then, we hardly talked to each other and we are now having a conversation like we're old friends. Not that we're not friends or i dislike him, but you get what i mean.

Is that what time does? Blur the lines, and make everyone you ever knew into a friend? Haha, i'm surprised he even managed to find me on skype, cause i sure find it hard to randomly look for my friends on skype. Maybe that's just me. I mean, i get it- i'm someone he hasn't talked to in a long time, so it IS nice to find out what the other person is doing, and to know that they're doing well. Even if you weren't close to the person, you knew them, and in a way, they're part of your past, albeit in the background. I strongly believe that who we are are, or who we become depends on our innate personality, the decisions we've made, and the people surrounding us- family, friends, or even a random stranger that has in one way or another, made an impact on you, thus influencing you.

As a result of never being close to this friend, (or rather, i doubt i ever made much of an impact on him), he is very different from me, and his life has taken a completely different road from mine. So, it is interesting to find out what has happened to him, for the sheer fact that it is all so foreign to me. On the other hand, because we are so different, we have very little similarities (duh!), and after awhile, there's pretty much nothing left to say to each other HAHA. I always feel OLD talking to people from my past, as topics like what mutual friends and their siblings are doing, get brought up, and it accentuates how long ago that part of your life really was. And it doesn't feel like that long ago, so you begin to ponder on how finite time is. Even though i have practically my whole life ahead of me, and my best years yet (face it, being incontinent and constantly throwing up as a baby cannot be considered your best year), it all feels so short.

When i asked previously whether time makes everyone you ever knew into a friend, i would honestly answer....yeah. It's a relationship of sorts, as a result of having a shared past. You may not be a part of their present or future, but the past is always there, and you can't change the past. Conversely, i have fell out of touch with friends who i was rather close to, but i would still consider them friends. Life just works like that. Nothing lasts forever, but i do hope i continue to keep close to me, the people that matter. Who knows what the future holds?

Yep, my short post became a long one, so i guess it's time for me to stop HAHA. But before i go, today coincidentally happens to be the birthday of an awesome friend, so here's to you Pei San; HAPPY BIRTHDAY! !


  1. aww I just saw this! :) thanks Mei tinggg!

    I find it hard to keep friends close actually... but definitely learning to be better at that LOL I think the online world blurs the line even more! haha I'm actually kind of perplexed with the 'line'! And somehow, when people blur the line and I realize that I'm not blurring it... I feel kinda guilty! HAHA wonder if you got what I was meaning! :pp but yeahhh have a great weekend ya! :))

  2. You're welcome! Haha, i think i sorta have an idea of what you mean, but erm, my idea might be different from yours HAHA. Not sure if you get me now, lol. I did have a great weekend, see you on thurs :)
